Unsuccessful shopping day and a Pickled Peach and Burrata Salad

Since yesterday was my day off, I took advantage of the time to do what used to be my favorite thing to do: shopping!  The older I get, though, the crankier of a shopper I am.  Weird how I seemed to be a more avid shopper back when I was younger and more broke; I'm not swimming in cash or anything now, but definitely can shop if I want to.  But, somehow, it doesn't do it for me anymore.

Anyway, I've been really wanting to spruce up my back patio for the longest time.  The last few summers I had bought small planters and various plants, only to neglect them or simply not realize that they wouldn't do well in the heat on their own, and watch them wither within a week or two.  So this spring, I pretty much did nothing.  My patio--besides the one tree and shrubs (that are now dying after several years of doing well)--is bare.  I go in there every so often to pull weeds, but that's about it.
I was on the hunt for string lights are something to liven it up...then I got overwhelmed with wondering if I'd make the wrong choice or if I just didn't have a good enough vision for such a small space.  In the end, my mom told me she and my dad would love to come down next week and spend the day helping me make decisions.  She's the garden and landscaping expert, so that is perfectly fine with me!  Hopefully next weekend I'll have some pictures of the patio.

When I came home, I spent a good amount of time baking cookies (the usual best EVER chocolate chip cookies), but added a new twist to them, which was recently inspired by another cookie recipe that I tried last week (these:  Chewy cookies with flax and chia seeds ).  I brought some over to a few neighbors and then got started on dinner.

Since I had a huge pork loin in the fridge (it's a little ridiculous...I've been using this thing all week long. I think I'll be able to get a full week's worth of meals out of it), I decided to make breaded pork chops with baked potatoes and onions, and Pickled Nectarine with Burrata Salad.  I substituted the nectarines with peaches and worked just as well.  I also didn't have red onion on hand, and used a white onion...that was fine as well.  The best part of that salad was the burrata.  Plus, it was such an easy thing to put together.   I found the recipe in the latest issue of Bon Appetit.

Today:  household chores, teaching, and probably using up more of that pork loin to make Pork Fried Rice.

I desperately need my coffee now. 


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