The things that come out of kids' mouths...

It's been awhile since I've quoted the silly things some of my students say.  Usually my first go to place is Facebook, otherwise, I just forget about it.

I think I should probably start writing everything down in a physical journal, along with the dates and the name of the student--it just seems more special that way.

Anyway, today I had one of my more ornery students--a seven-year old named Andrew-- who, lately, has been the source of many Facebook-worthy quotes.  Working measure by measure in one of his pieces, I asked him to repeat a particular measure "three times without mistakes" and his reaction?

"Will you give me a dollar if I do?"

Ack.  Needless to say, the answer to his question was a resounding "No"!

Wonder what Andrew will say next week, lol.


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