Four Years!

Today is our four year wedding anniversary.  R. and I aren't really too much of an exciting couple (lol), so for our past anniversaries, the most we've ever done was just go out for a nice dinner.  I believe last year, we both forgot about it because we were so busy with work, we just let it pass by without doing anything.  We both nearly forgot about it this year, but when I mentioned it in passing a few days ago, R. said he'd like to do something a little special.  We don't have the time to go anywhere, but I think he was planning on making something special when he got home tonight from work.  Usually on Thursdays, I teach really late; this morning, however, I thought 'it's my 4 yr. anniversary darnit! I'm going to stay home and surprise the hubby.'  So that's what I'm going to do.  Rescheduled all my students for another day and when R. comes home tonight, dinner will already be ready (hopefully), the house will be clean (um, again hopefully) and we can both enjoy a nice dinner at a rarely reasonable hour (usually we eat anywhere from 9-11pm because of our work schedules).

It's not often I get to stay home during the later part of the day on a weekday, so this feels like a vacation. Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to make tonight.  R.'s been on an Italian kick for the past week, so it'll probably be along those lines.

Also looking forward to this Monday, as I've taken the day off to do an audition in Dayton and made plans to visit some friends and their baby in Cincinnati.  Their daughter is turning 1 next month, and I can't make it to the party, so at least I'll get to see how big she's gotten since last I saw her.  Bracing myself for a mild case of "baby fever" when I see her:)


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