
Well, our Zoe came home yesterday, and it was such a relief to see her almost back to her old self. She is on strict cage rest for the next 4 weeks, so no running, jumping, or playing around. I can tell she so wants to do all those things, but we have to restrict her to be cautious. I'm now wondering if we were right to put off surgery, although the main reason for doing so was the cost. We just didn't want to put ourselves in a hole for vet costs (so now, I'm considering pet insurance and have also obtained a Care Card); however, she made such a vast improvement during the night we left her at the hospital, the same vet who was strongly pushing for surgery talked to me the next morning as if he was expecting me to come get her that same day. I'm not doubting his expertise, but it's strange how it seems like most doctors--human and other--always want you to go for that most expensive treatment right away. If Zoe continues making improvement and it turns out she only had a pinched nerve, then I'll know we made the right decision.

Other than that little scare, I'm still pretty busy with my students (and getting more--you'd think that in these hard times, I'd be hurting for students, but right now, it's kind of the opposite, thankfully) and also playing more gigs, which I always love to do.

We're still in the process of slowly staging our condo so we can get to the point of putting it on the market and trying to sell it again. I really, really hope we can.

I only ran once this past week, although it was the farthest I've ever run: 7 + miles. My knees were bothering me after that one. I probably need better running shoes, OR I'm doing something incorrectly when I do run. At any rate, I was a bad runner this week and hopefully I get back on track next week. Those 6-8 miles always seem to last forever while I'm running it, and when I look back and think that the half-marathon is pretty much twice that distance, I groan and ask myself if it's really a do-able goal. I hope I don't wimp out on this one. I really do want to keep in shape, regardless of any half or full marathons I might ever accomplish in my life--I've recently started noticing my metabolism slowing down and it's not as easy as it was in the past for me to stay thin. This realization is scaring me and seeing Ryan become a fitness guru in the past year and losing all that weight and becoming buff has inspired me to be more regular about this. Like he says, anyone can make the time to be and stay healthy, and if people say that the only thing that is preventing them from exercising is time, then it's just an excuse. We make appointments for everything else in our lives: doctor and dental visits, lessons, meetings--why not treat exercise like an appointment? Even 15 minutes a day is better than 0 minutes.

Alright, I'm done preaching. Now time to practice what I preach.


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