Home, Sweet, Home

We recently moved back to our old condo in Gahanna, Ohio from the other end of Columbus, where we've lived for the past year and a half. When we were here originally, I hated it and couldn't wait to get out. Now that we're back, though, I'm pretty excited to have all this space, and there's some strange comfort and excitement in knowing that when I'm done working at the end of the day, my home being further away makes it feel easier to separate work from home life. It's stupid, I know, but it feels that way.

I'm such a slow un-packer! It's been a week and a half, and stuff is slowly being put away and I'm cleaning one room at a time. My first priorities were the kitchen and main bathroom, which were the most disgusting, of course. Our former tenant didn't do a very good job leaving the place clean, which really angered me, since I worked so hard to leave it spotless for him when we rented it out almost two years ago. He also had some large dogs living in the condo with him so we had to hire carpet cleaners to steam clean the whole place. There's still a lot of dog hair that I'm vacuuming here and there. Gross. But it's slowly transforming into our own place again, and I'm excited to decorate and keep everything organized and clean:P

I quit Starbucks again as a result of this move, although I never needed the job to begin with, and I'm really loving the free time I have in the morning to do stuff and relax before I teach my students later in the day. Having a full teaching studio AND working all morning was taking its toll and I was getting sick of it. I made a lot of good friendships though, and I've been running more as a result of one those friendships! This weekend, I'll be running my second race of the year, Race for the Cure in downtown Columbus. I'm excited about that, and I'm more excited knowing that I'll be able to do the whole race without stopping. The first race I did back in March was a four miler which I half walked, half ran. I felt horrible afterwards. It was also a more difficult trail, though, b/c of the icky mud and bumpy trail. That slowed a lot of people down. Last week, I ran a smooth pavement trail at a park in Westerville, OH that was 3.6 miles and ran the whole thing without stopping, so I was pretty excited about that.

I'll be posting pictures of the condo once everything is put away and decent looking. Now, back to more cleaning and laundry!


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