Race for the Cure

This past Saturday, I did the Race for the Cure with a couple of my former Starbucks coworkers, and I really had a great time. I wasn't sure how I was going to do, and I was a little nervous that I'd seem wimpy and crash in the middle of it. But seeing so many people there (over 50,000) really pumped everyone up, and at every corner there seemed to be a rock band or music group of some kind playing (some good, some...not so good) and that really got me revved up to keep running. Towards the end right before the finish line, there were rows and rows of motorcyclists with their "choppers" revving them up and giving high fives, and that was pretty awesome to see. I'm definitely going to do that again next year, and have been really encouraged to keep running since I seem to be able to run a little further every time I go for another run, even if it's not every single day.
I took Ryan to Sharon Woods in Westerville, OH. yesterday b/c they have a neat path there for jogging. After we were done, I found out that the path was nearly 4 miles, and I was pleasantly surprised that I could keep going for that long, considering the last time I did 4 miles I had to walk half of it.

Anyways, I'm pumped and I just wanted to write about it! Ryan's going to be home soon and I haven't started dinner....so must end this!


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