More Running

I ran 6-7 miles today! I ran with some former sbux coworkers, and that helped a lot. For whatever reason, when I run with Ryan, I lose my motivation and I get whiny and stop. I know him too well, so when he tries to push me...I just resist. But with people you don't know quite as well, you just don't want to seem like wimp. That sounds awful, but it's true.

So excited! I'm also off this week and towards the end of the week, we'll be going to Kentucky for Ryan's family reunion. Hopefully we can run somewhere by Natural Bridge.

When I'm running, the prospect of doing a half marathon in the future doesn't seem tangible; but after I'm done with the run and I still feel good, it starts to feel like it could be within my reach again. I really hope that's the case when October rolls around (Columbus half marathon/marathon). As long as I can keep this up!


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