Husbands and Cookies

Last night, I toiled into the wee hours of the morning making the best chocolate chip cookies ever for a going away party our studio is having for one of my students.  I'm partially kidding--it didn't really take that long, but I WAS up late last night because I had put it off until the last second.  While making the cookies last night, I asked my husband if he wanted to take some to work with him, but he refused and I assumed he just didn't want to share with his coworkers.  I set aside a few cookies for him in a tiny tupperware container, and put the rest on a large serving plate and covered it.  I figured the average person would look at the two and know that the larger plate was for the party, and the smaller one was for home.

I was wrong.

This morning, I left the house first to teach a couple students and waved goodbye to hubby as he was running back home from his morning run.  When I returned home, I went about my business doing stuff around the house for an hour or so, until I walked into the kitchen and thought something looked amiss.  My cookies were gone! Panic.  Hubby couldn't have possibly taken them, thinking they were for his office, right?  He refused them last night and knew I was making them for a party.  But that's exactly what happened.  Crap!  So now, I have nothing to bring to the party.  Anything that's at least home made.  I'll probably have to make a stop by the grocery store to get something.

Anyways, I said something about it on Facebook, and it opened the door to all kinds of comments and a picture from hubby's coworker of a couple guys--including my husband--huddled around my plate of cookies, indulging themselves while smiling into the camera.  Haha.  This cookie fiasco also somehow led to an unintentional 5K rivalry going on b/t myself and hubby's former boss, who is also running the race tomorrow. He's got an injury, so apparently, he told his wife that I was "planning on beating him", so now it's her personal goal to beat ME.  It made me wonder, what exactly did my husband say to this guy?  All I wanted to do was improve my 5K PR, but now I've got this silliness going on.

Of all the times I've made cookies and encouraged my husband to take them to work and he adamantly refused and left them at home,  THIS had to be the one time he changed his mind and made an incorrect assumption!
At least the cookies were enjoyed...I guess.


Oh men ... and that's all I can say about that, haha!

The one time I stayed up late baking was to make half a dozen gingerbread houses for a kids crafts thing at work. How I got stuck having to make and bake all those stupid house pieces, I'll never know, but I won't look at powdered sugar the same again.
Anonymous said…
Really, how did he make that mistake? Though, the story is hilarious. At least they liked your cookies, right?

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