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I'm SO glad I decided to switch races.  I looked it up on the website, and I can't actually switch until I pick up my packet the day before the race since I missed the deadline for sending in the request form.  But in any case, a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders the moment I decided I would just do the half and not the full marathon.  Don't get me wrong, it's still be going be hard, I know.  Especially with Cincy's hills!?!  It's flat as pancakes around here in Columbus, so I know my legs are going to hate me come race day.  I looked up the course map for the half and it looks like there's a slow, but steady hill for like 3 miles or so *ick*! After that, it's all downhill, so that's good.  I totally would love to PR with a 2:20 or less race time...but I don't know what my body will feel like once I actually do this.

I took most of this week off to give my knees a break after my big run on Monday.  I think a lost a few pounds inadvertently b/c I didn't feel well after the run and, as a result, hardly had an appetite for the next few days.  I forced myself to eat, but didn't find myself thinking about fact, the thought of a lot of things made me queasy.  Normally, after a long run, I'm daydreaming about food, but not this time.

Oh!  Got my new shoes in the mail the other day:

I think they look so cool!  Haven't run in them yet, just walked around.  They offer more support than my Adidas, although up until now, I've been more of a "minimalist" runner.  I'd go barefoot if I could, but I don't want to cut up my feet!  So, this will be interesting.  I'll get to try them out for real tomorrow at a 10-miler I'm doing.

Well, that's all that's been happening this week.  I had to drop off my dad at the airport yesterday morning and he should be in Argentina right about now, joining my mom and having a blast!  Oh, I wish I could have gone.  I'm sick with jealousy.  It's been about 10 years since I last saw most of my relatives there, and plane tickets are just so expensive, plus finding the time to get away is hard enough.  I really would like to go for my 30th birthday next year, though.  I'll have to find a way to make it happen!

Ok, gotta get ready for the day--teaching from noon-8pm today:(


Hannah said…
OMG teaching from 12 to 8 pm! Good luck on your half, you have probably made a great decision :)

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