I'm Hungry

I am not the sharpest tool in the toolbox.  Let me explain.  Since graduating from college, getting married and settling down into a routine of teaching until late hours and usually not eating dinner until at least 8:30pm every night, I have managed to slowly--but surely--gain some weight.  I've mentioned before in other posts that I'm very, very petite.  I'm 5'1" and I currently weight 105 lbs. on average.  On a "good" day I am 103.  On bad days, I can get up to 107 (like I was yesterday).  But more worrisome to me than numbers is how I look in front of the mirror.  I have rolls.  I used to have that slim curve right before the hip, and my stomach would be completely flat both when standing up or lying down.  This is no longer the case and I'm mad.  Mad, b/c I run a lot (okay, maybe not a LOT, but quite a bit) and obviously, I can't NOT eat when I'm burning as many calories as I do running.  So for the longest time, I kept scratching my head wondering why I haven't lost weight--in fact, I seem to be gaining if anything.  After talking to my husband, we both agreed that our habit of eating so late at night b/c of our work schedules certainly could have a hand in this.  I know a lot of people try to not eat after 7pm, although I can't present statistics right now on what the downsides to eating after 7 are.  I'll have to look into it.  But what I do know is that I never feel good after eating so late at night. 
So today, as an experiment, I decided to see if I could abstain from eating a heavy meal once I got home.  For breakfast, I had toast with almond butter and agave and coffee w/ cream + sugar around 10am [I know, sugar is bad, blah, blah blah]; for lunch: leftover general tso's chicken and pesto pasta around noon[gross combo]; snack, around 6ish: chocolate mint Zone bar; and once I got home, I ate like 3 pieces of what was left of general tso's, a handful of kale chips, a pickle and a quarter of a pretzel (that sounds silly and not even worth mentioning, but there it is).  I don't expect to keep this up, but I just want to see where I am weight wise tomorrow and throughout the day when I place more importance on my meals earlier in the day rather than when I get home late at night.  I normally use the excuse that it's the end of the day, I'm tired, I worked hard and I deserve to eat whatever I want, however much I want, however late I want...because I ran earlier that day, or because I ran last week, or because I ran last month.....yeah, I'm just a vessel full of excuses.  Aaand, I'm an almost-30-year old who thinks she's still 15 and has the same metabolism she used to.  And I don't.  It's just a fact I need to face.
I'm going to try to eat a hearty breakfast tomorrow before my run, and a substantial lunch.  I know I'll have to make something for dinner and definitely eat something, but I need to keep it light.

Ran six miles on Sunday while visiting the parents, when I should have done 18.  We had people coming over and I didn't want to be sweaty and gross when they arrived, so I cut my run short (okay, so I used house guests as an excuse, whatever) and just left it at six miles for good since I had to drive back home later that day.  I am making an attempt at 18 miles tomorrow and I'm scared.  Scared I'll hit a wall, start hurting, lose motivation...so wish me luck:(


Hannah said…
I do so much better when I track my food...and I feel you with the schedule. Sometimes I don't get home until 9:30 or later, and I really love to wait for dinner till I'm done working, but it's hard to make proper decisions then. Ugh.

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