She's Copying Off of Meeeeee

This is kind of in the same vein as my previous post, but I forgot to mention what I thought about the compression socks I recently purchased, as well as my Mizuno Wave Rider 15's.

They were  The first time I used the socks was on my attempted 20 mile run where I only made it to 14.  This is going to sound dumb....but they were just SO tight!  It was a little uncomfortable and distracting for me.  I just couldn't wait to rip them off when I got home (and I did).

And then last Saturday I used the Mizunos for the first time at the 10 miler I did, and I was just wishing I had on my Adidas the whole time.  Especially when my left foot fell asleep and was numb for 3 miles straight--the last time that happened consistently was when I was using "normal" (maybe they were New Balance, I'm not sure now) running shoes.  Right after I started using my Adidas Climacool shoes, that 'numb foot' problem went away.

So the lesson I'm taking away from this is to BE MYSELF.  I keep ignoring that valuable lesson and sometimes try to copy off of someone else's success thinking I, too, will be just as successful if I use what they're using, or do what they are doing.  WRONG!!

I already learned this lesson in my violin playing--I need to start applying it to other facets of my life.  Figure out what works for YOU and--yes, you can observe and learn from others--but don't hastily presume that their results will be identical for you if you do the exact same thing.

So...the pricey Mizunos...I'll have to reserve those for shorter races.  But for long distances, I'll keep my minimalist shoes and enjoy the ride:)


Shelley said…
I've done the same thing after reading so many running blogs - get caught up in the "I need this to run better" thing, buy the stuff, and hate it. And then get mad at myself for wasting the money...running gear is not cheap! I have compression socks and there is no way I could run in them - even though I got them sized for my calves, they are so dang tight that I only use them for recovery after a particularly hard run...and if I make it an hour wearing them, I'm doing good.

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