Inspired by a couple of my fellow bloggers like
Hannahviolin and
kath--among others--I've fallen for the 'overnight oats' craze and have tried it for the past few days. The first time, I used steel cut oats w/ greek yogurt and 1% milk. Second time, I tried regular quick oats; they're different, but I like them both. I added chia seeds to both and decided that I prefer the blueberry Greek yogurt flavor mixed in.
Steel cut oats w/ blueberries and bananas, chia and flax seeds |
Quick oats w/ just blueberries |
Still addicted to my morning coffee:/ |
Ryan and I were browsing Trader Joe's the other day and tried a sample of a chickpea salad. The ingredients were simple, but it was so delicious. So I tried to re-create it at home. It was pretty darn close! I used chickpeas, black beans, red onion, squeezed lemon and olive oil, and chopped parsley. I think next time, I should add grape tomatoes:
I rowed a bit this morning, did some weights and push-ups; I have to leave in a bit to practice at my studio and prepare for my students this afternoon and a jazz rehearsal later on, but I really would like to get in a short run this evening since I found out that today is NATIONAL RUNNING DAY!!
Have been reading about these on other blogs and decided to grab a box from the grocery just to try it. I'm letting it thaw, so I'll have to review it later.