A quick "hey" from Nashville!

I'm in Nashville right now w/ my parents.  We'll be here until the end of the week.  This past weekend was spent in Lexington, KY where I met a third cousin for the first time.  I love meeting relatives I never knew about before!
We had excellent hosts in Lexington; my cousin's husband planned our entire Saturday w/ a trip to a Bourbon distillery, tons of horse farms and rolling hills w/ the never-ending fences, and drive-bys of relevant sites in the city.  Loved it.
Now we're spending some time w/ old friends of the family who just moved to Nashville to be closer to their daughter--my childhood best friend--who recently married.

So far, just a lot of lounging and relaxing.  Lots of chatting and catching up.  So perfect.  We'll probably go into the city at some point.  We're taking our time and I'm enjoying reading through a book I always wanted to finish (since high school...ugh!).  Reminds me I should make the time to read books more often.

I have pictures but will post them later.  Take care!


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