Yo-yo-ing through life

It's Friday (finally), and even though it's supposed to technically be my day off, I'm going in today to teach three makeup lessons because I had to cancel earlier this week b/c I was feeling so bad.  Teaching is just one of those things you can't daze through.  If I had a desk job, I could probably pop a few tylenol, close my eyes and take a few minutes to let the waves of pain go by--or even take bathroom breaks w/out feeling too guilty.  With teaching, if I zone out for a few minutes, I'd have to answer to quizzical looks from both child and parent.
SO.  I decided it was better to call off lessons and suffer in the comfort of my own home.  Some people couldn't make it today, hence only 3 lessons.

An extremely violent and disturbing nightmare I was having woke me up this morning--and it was just as well, because I have quite a bit to do before my parents arrive this evening.  Cleaning is always the first thing on the list.  Does anyone else's mom comment on how dusty your furniture might be?  No, just mine?  I love my mom, but when I anticipate their arrival, the first thing I worry about is how clean my place will be and if it will be clean enough for my mother.  I've turned into THAT daughter.  I always used to laugh at daughters like that...now I'm one of them.

This week, I've been in a slump and didn't do much in the area of running or fitness.  I did pick my violin up a little more.  I need to get over this idea that doing both physical activity AND practicing will not make my head explode at the end of the day.  I need to get over it and do it already.

There are other things that have kind of contributed to this "slump", but I'd rather not get into them now.  Maybe later, but maybe never.  I still can't decide if I'd regret writing about it on here.  At the same time, writing about what's bothering me is so alleviating.  Sigh. Later.  I need to get ready and get outta here to do some grocery shopping.

How has your week been?


Hannah said…
I want to comment, but I can't think of what to say. Glad you're feeling better, don't beat yourself up so much :) (I know I'm guilty of the same, almost all the time!)

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