Aspen Day 3...and 4,5,6,7 and 8!

You know what? I'm kinda sick of writing separate posts of each day of my vacation, so here's a compilation. Wheeeeeee!!!!

Day 3:  Maroon Bells, ghost town of Ashcroft, and visit to Aspen Music Festival grounds (no pics of the festival, just a bunch of boring practice rooms and cabins.  Ryan just wanted to show me where he spent 5 or 6 summers and how torturous it was to be locked up in a practice room with a taunting view of the mountains!)

Crater lake

Have I ever mentioned that hubby lost 40-50 lbs two years ago and has maintained it by running, rowing and P90X? My hero!

Day 4/5:  We went whitewater rafting and there are no pictures b/c the guides recommended not bringing anything non-water proof. Boo!  But it was fun!!  Husband fell out of the boat, which was exciting, lol.  The next day was a "rest day".  We stayed in our room, watched movies, went out for lunch and dinner (which were both excellent at Venga Venga and The Edge at Timberline).

Day 6:  Mt. Elbert, the highest mountain in Colorado, as well as the mountain I vowed to never hike again once we made it back to the car...

When we got to the top, it was exhilarating...until I saw that dark cloud and rain and lightening in the near distance. Get me off this mountain NOW!

Ryan couldn't give two hoots about dark clouds and rain/hail. He thought it was "fun".

Day 7:  A day strolling through the town of Aspen one last time.  We bumped into some guys slacklining in the park and they looked at us, asking "Do we know you?" Ha!  We had seen the same guy a few days earlier at the Devil's punchbowl. What a small town!  While Ryan helped them tighten their line, I walked in search of some iced coffee and promptly walked back to watch the slacklining show.  Those guys are fit!

Lunch at New York Pizza for...I don't know...the 4th time this week?!
In between lunch and dinner, Ryan and I saw two separate movies at the Isis Theatre.  We just didn't know what else to do other than walking around window shopping, but I loved that we did it! It's kinda awesome to see two movies in a row without a care in the world.  First one we saw was Moonrise Kingdom (kind of weird, but made me nostalgic and wishing I lived in the 60's) and the second was Ted, which I thought had some hilarious moments.
For our "last meal" in Aspen, we once again went to The Edge, a restaurant in the city of Snowmass located at the Timberline condominiums.  It was Excellent!!  The first time we went, I got the crispy chicken w/ smashed potatoes and shallot brodo and Ryan was kicking himself for not getting it, too.  So this time around, he ordered the chicken and I got a seafood salad which was good, but not as good as the chicken:(

The next morning, we checked out of our room and headed to Idaho Springs to meet up with my old college roommate who is a doctoral student at Boulder.  We met at Tommyknockers Restaurant and Brewery.  I had a buffalo burger but didn't finish all of it--not b/c it wasn't good, but because I was trying so hard to catch up with my good friend, we barely touched our food.  Unfortunately, she had to be somewhere (and was late..I'm sorry!) and we had to catch our flight, so we only had a few scant hours to reunite.  I'm so glad, though, we were able to do it!  I'll be coming back next summer for her wedding. I'm so excited!

It was such an invigorating week and it ended too early:(  It actually kind of sucked coming back home (besides being excited to see family and our dogs) and back to work.  In fact, I had a case of the "I-hate-being-back-from-vacation" blues,er, more of a breakdown yesterday afternoon.  I think I'm okay now, but I had a pretty low moment there, yesterday.  I think I may actually want to move to Colorado?!

Anyways! There it is.  My week in Aspen.  My new mission now is to decorate my entire house in "Aspen decor"--Aspen trees, pictures of mountain tops, anything that has a "lodge" feel to it.  Hmm, may not fit in with boring old Columbus.

Off day today--lots to do!


Anonymous said…
So nice to see some pictures of you!! :)

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