I love Aspen!

We've been here in Aspen, CO for 3 days so far and loving it!  I plan on doing a more detailed recap when I get back, and I'll probably break them up into each day of our stay.  We really haven't been wasting any time during our stay; in fact, fresh off the plane and into our rental car, we did our first hike of the trip which was surprisingly hard for me.  It was a big punch in the gut (and a piece of humble pie) to realize that hiking, indeed, can be a workout!  I went into the first hike all huffy and puffy thinking, "You're a runner! How easy is THIS going to be?!"  Yeah, well...I was ready to call it quits half way, and we hadn't even done a mile!

Anyways, more on that with pictures when I get back.  We are having the time of our lives, creating special memories and already dreaming about the next time we can come here.  In fact, we're thinking (God willing) that this could turn into a family tradition; it would be amazing to come here every summer!!

Off to relax in the hot tub after another day of hiking (and eating!)  :)


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