The only thing you should be pointing your finger at is towards the mirror!

Our weekend in Cincinnati went by fast!  We went to the museum to see the Pompeii exhibit on Saturday (no pictures, although they were allowed, I simply forgot my camera at home:( ), had lunch at Zip's, and then stopped by the Greek Festival going on in Middletown.  We had hoped to go to Aglamesis Bros. for ice cream right after Zip's, but my brother and sister-in-law were itching to get home and get their boys in for a nap.  I was slightly annoyed as I had really looked forward to it all week, but it's okay!  We were fortunate to get Reds tickets this Friday and I'm hoping I get another chance at Aglamesis.  Hopefully.

I totally missed the London opening ceremonies for the olympics on Saturday:(  I've been tuning in here and there for swimming, tennis and gymnastics.  I caught a glimpse of some canoeing (which I had no clue was part of the Olympics!) and later this week, I'll have to see if I can watch some wrestling. I'm actually not into wrestling, but a guy I graduated high school with made it to London and will be competing in wrestling.  Have to show some support, right?!
Ugh, watching all the Olympians makes me feel like crap about myself.  Does watching the Olympics make anyone else feel like working out and getting ripped?

You may have noticed, looking at my blogroll, that I follow a lot of "health bloggers"; some focus on working out, others on what they eat/cook.  Some do both.  Lately, I've been silently noticing a lot of snarky commenting on various blogs, judging those who can't lose weight the right way, and seeing a lot of those bloggers who struggle w/ a healthy lifestyle "going dark".  I empathize with those struggling with their personal goals.  First of all, I know it's hard to blog on a regular basis, let alone every single day (or multiple times a day); I have my good days where I'm super excited to share my accomplishments or my happiness with others--and then I have bad days where nothing much is going on, or I disappointed myself and know it would just be humiliating to share my defeat or lack of productivity with those who are watching me.  Not that I actually think many are watching me...but you never know.  Blogs are a weird thing--they can be used for good, or bad.  It's so much easier to be 'meaner' on the internet because there's no threat of face-to-face interaction or accountability.  I experienced that w/ close ones on Facebook, and as a result, I try my hardest to just not post anything at all.  Whether it's politics, religion, fashion, or health...people have opinions and they can get very personal about it.
I don't think I'm really going anywhere with this, except that it makes me sad and a little disappointed in people when they spend most of their time judging left and right.  I know I judge, if even just in my head, and it's reminding me that we're all imperfect.  We're all trying.  Why can't we just listen to what our mothers and grandmothers taught us:  "If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all."  I truly believe judging is not our duty, that's left up to a higher power.  Just carry on with your business, encourage those who need it, and be happy for those who experience great things.  Otherwise, just shut up about it!! Lol.

Off to eat lunch, teach and right back home for dinner, chores and shooting for a rowing session.  Is it bad that I'm already aching for the weekend?  Just can't wait for the Reds/Pirates game!!

Have a great Tuesday:)


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