Crockpot Teriyaki Chicken

I totally forgot to share the recipe for the beur blanc salmon--I got it from this lovely food blog Lake Lure Cottage Kitchen.  I don't even remember how I found it, but isn't that the way this blog world works: you troll blog after blog after blog and somehow you've amassed too many blogs to keep track of!

Anyway here it is the link with much more appealing pictures! 

Salmon with swiss chard and couscous

I also made another Lake Lure recipe tonight--Crockpot Teriyaki Chicken.  One of the easiest recipes I've ever made.  I dumped everything into the slow cooker, left to teach, came back this evening to enticing aromas, made some steamed rice and am enjoying every bite right now!  Mmmm, SOO much better than the stuff at the mall food court, lol!



Penny said…
Thanks so much for the feedback. Glad you liked the Salmon and Crockpot chicken. Hope you are feeling better.

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