Salmon + Swiss Chard + Couscous w/ Beur Blanc sauce

This week--despite my icky illness--I've still managed to make meals at home.  Since I was home basically 3 days in a row trying to recover (still am, with a blocked left ear and cough), I had oodles of time to make dinner at a decent time, sometimes finished right when Ryan set foot through the front door!  Makes me feel like a 1950's housewife.  I should get a fancy apron to complete the picture.

This week starting with my first day home:

Monday-      Italian chicken soup/ Slow cooker Beef Chili
Tuesday-      Jalapeno cornbread with leftover beef chili
Wednesday-  Salmon with Swiss chard and couscous tied together with a beur blanc sauce
Thursday-    Pasta w/ meat sauce

I stole the salmon w/ beur blanc sauce from a food blog and it got high reviews from Ryan, although we both agreed the lemon was a little strong in the sauce, maybe not even needed.  And next time, it'd be interesting to try the sauce over crispy chicken, same greens and over roasted potatoes.

Not sure what I'll make for dinner tomorrow, which makes me a little nervous b/c if I don't have a plan, I tend to cave in to take-out.  Saturday, I hope to make a chicken pot pie (the usual around here).

Any recipes you've tried recently for the first time and really loved?  I need new ideas, so please share!!


Valerie said…
That salmon sounds delicious! Feel free to cook for me any time!
Hannah said…
What's the blog link for that salmon with sauce? Looks tasty!

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