First weekend of Fall!!!

I did the Hocking Hills Indian Run yesterday and unfortunately, I wasn't as excited about it as I was last year, AND I was 10 minutes slower than last year, too:(  Buuuut, on the up side, my being slower this time around may have benefited me in the end as today I am not really hurting the way I remember I was last year.  I could barely walk the day after last time.
Another reason I wasn't feeling it was I ran it all by myself this time.  The same friends who went last year were up in the air about it, and my husband is on a 2-month break from running.  So, this is the second race I've done all alone (last one was the last 5K I did in August).  My little brother came with me, but even he wasn't really too excited about it, lol.  He pretty much brought a book and stayed inside the dining lodge the whole time I ran.
It took about an hour to get there, and for us it was even longer b/c one of the main exits was closed off, so we got lost for awhile.  I started running an hour later than I expected to, but it was still okay because the Indian Run allows you to run individually between a certain window of time, thankfully.

There were a LOT of hills, and I walked all of them (or at least, the ones that were pretty impossible to run), and I also stopped at all of the water stations and either drank or ate something.  That probably explains my slower time.  But I do remember having some ankle/foot issues last year, and this year I had no problems, except for fatigue at the very end.

We came back home and headed out again with Ryan for lunch at this new pizza joint we discovered close to home that has AMAZING New York style pizza.  No pictures, but you'll have to take my word for it...if you're in the Columbus area, try Borgata's Pizza off of 161.  They do not advertise, so Ryan found them through another pizza blogger's rave reviews, and it's probably safe to say that there are very few, if any pizza places that compare to Borgata's.  Owners are friendly and welcoming, but mostly, their food speaks for itself.
I normally don't get thrilled by pizza, and admittedly, Ryan loves it more than I do (I'm more of an ethnic, adventurous foodie than my husband, who is the typical home-grown American who loves his pizza, beer and burgers) but I really did enjoy this place.

After we came home with leftovers, I took a nap (I'm always so wiped out by races, but rarely take naps afterward) because I could, woke up and joined Ryan in watching a movie on Netflix...and then we both called it a night.  Nothing much on the agenda today, except I do have a tall stack of string parts to bow/check for the orchestra I play in before Tuesday. I've been putting it off even though it's not hard--just time-consuming, that's all.  We may check out this Venezuelan restaurant called Arepazo today, and then go to a movie.

IT'S FALL, EVERYONE!!!!  I've got a few mums already, but I'm trying to amass a bigger collection as well as some more pumpkins for the front steps.  Next on the list will be Autumn scented candles for the house, cider, a new recipe to try for Fall-appropriate cookies and maybe try my hand at some pie-baking.  Some people say that Spring or Summer are their favorite seasons because the sunshine and warmer weather put them in a better mood, but Autumn is definitely the season that puts me in a feel-good, fuzzy, warm mood.  What is there not to like?  Beautiful colors, crisp weather, home-y smells and hearty food.  Wish it could be Fall all year 'round.

Alright, time to finish off my morning coffee and search for the next thing to do.  Have a great Sunday!


Valerie said…
How long was that run? It sounds interesting.

Fall is definitely my favorite season, too. I love it for a variety of reasons, but the warm-fuzzy sensation I get from it is the best. I can't wait for the leaves to change!
Gaby said…
It was a 20K or 12.4 miles. They also have a 40K and 60K which is basically the same course twice or 3 times. Ugh, can't imagine repeating that whole thing! I think it's the most fun if you're doing it for the very first time b/c you don't know where you are. This year, however, I recognized certain parts so I could tell more or less how far I'd gone, even without a GPS or watch on me. People go there to hike all the time, so it was interesting to be the only one running through the woods with a race bib on while passing whole groups of people who were exploring. It's a very isolated race as you can start individually, so for a majority of the time, I was running alone, which was cool.

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