Just poppin' in...

Ahhhh, I keep letting this blog-thing slip further and further away; before you know it, I'll be one of those bloggers that disappear for an entire year, pop in to say I'm still alive, and then disappear forever.  Eh, you know how it is.  Life has been pretty blah and I've been sick the last few days (canceled lessons today) so I've especially not felt like writing anything.

I decided to make some chicken noodle soup since it's what you're supposed to have when you're going through a cold.  I simultaneously prepped some beef chili in the slow cooker for Ryan to have since he's more of a stew/chili kinda guy, and doesn't care much for soup or broth. 
I picked an Italian chicken soup recipe that looked good on paper, but when I tried it, it was just 'eh'.  I think that the best chicken soup I've ever made, to date, is Rachael Ray's recipe from her 30 Minute Meals cookbook.  And I've only made it once, and it was for Ryan when he got the only cold I think I've ever seen him get way back when we were dating.  Figures that when I cook for others, it always seems to taste better than when I purposefully make it for myself!

And, of course, that being said--I enjoyed the beef chili SO much more this evening when Ryan and I had it together for dinner.  A dollop of sour cream made it perfect.  I'm stuffed.  I feel better except for my throat.  It's been bothering me since Friday, when it started out scratchy, evolved to both scratchy and sore, and now is just plain "bruised".  It doesn't hurt when I eat or drink, just when I talk.  I hope it's not strep, but I'm pretty sure it's not.

Gonna finish watching the Reds game on TV and head to bed where I hope I can get a decent night's sleep:)


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