Making meals at home

It's always been a desire of mine to consistently make meals at home and never have to resort to take-out or fast food for dinner.  Sometimes, though, that's a lot easier said than done, and when a busy day gets even busier or unexpected things pop up in the schedule, an intended stop at the grocery store turns into a stop at the drive-thru.  I always hate it when that happens, not to mention it's just not good for you!
This week was a good week in that I didn't cave into any last minute stops at a drive-thru or take-out meals.  I did one huge grocery trip and roughly planned out which days I wanted to make certain meals.  I didn't take into account, however, how much food would be leftover and one day this week consisted of purely leftovers for dinner.
My parents came Thursday evening to help my younger brother move into a new apt. and they've just left; my husband also is out for most of the evening at another "nerd" party, so I'm left all alone this Saturday evening.  I love it!  Typically, when I'm left alone for a girl's night-in, I treat myself to maybe take-out Thai or anything else I enjoy that maybe Ryan doesn't as much--but glancing into our fridge, I realized that just wasn't going to happen tonight:  WAY too much food in there!  Some of the meals I made this week:

Monday:  Deli-style sandwiches on French baguettes
Tuesday:  Rigatoni with Sausage/tomato sauce (made with tomatoes a student generously gave me from their garden!)
Wednesday: Chicken-ginger fried rice
Thursday:  Leftovers
Friday:  Chicken pot pie

This afternoon, we broke my "eating in" streak since my parents were in town and made a first time trip to the Thurman Cafe (as seen on "Man Vs. Food") and then a quick stop to grab a couple half lb. cream puffs from Schmidt's in German Village (also seen on "M vs. F").  I'm continually amazed at how much I haven't discovered or tried here in Columbus even after living here 5 + years!  I took a couple bites of the cream puff (absolutely heavenly) and had to put the rest back in the fridge--just too much!  Now that I'm alone and it's quiet, I'm about to enjoy a few episodes of Boardwalk Empire.  Afterwards, I'd like to get a row workout in and a little practicing, too.

Just trying to take it day by day...but this weekend was certainly a good one so far!


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