A Fine Thursday

I'm a little late on the bandwagon for this one, but I picked up "Eat, Pray, Love" from the library yesterday and am currently reading about the author's adventures to the three 'I's':  Italy, India and Indonesia.  If I were single, heartbroken and lonely, this would be the perfect pick-me-up book to read.  But I'm still enjoying it, nevertheless.

Today, I met my husband and a coworker for lunch; we all tried a new place together called Mr. Sushi, and it was alright.  I wasn't unhappy with my meal, but I much prefer Chinese and Thai over Japanese cuisine.  I'm not sure what it is, but I'm not very inclined to Japanese flavors (or lack of?).  Afterwards, we crossed the street to Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams (I say this is one of the crown jewels of Columbus, OH.) where I got a small dish with half a scoop of the coffee ice cream, and another scoop of their goat cheese with cognac figs ice cream.  Jeni's has very unique flavors and they're always experimenting with new ones; my favorite kinds are the ones that infuse liquor with other standard flavors, like their bourbon butter pecan.  Another favorite is the queen city cayenne--chocolate with cayenne pepper! it may sound gross, but it's actually really, really good.

A fun lunch, overall, and now I'm back in my studio where I have a few more students to get through before I call it an evening.  This weekend, I'll be strapped for hardly any "me" time since I have a student recital at a retirement village in the morning, another rehearsal w/ a pianist in the evening; next morning, bright and early, playing for two church services in two separate churches, and later in the afternoon, orchestra concert with two of my students.

Spring cannot come soon enough--I'm waiting!


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