Icy weather and practicing

Yesterday, I left the studio early because there were reports that the weather would be getting worse.  I kind of now wish I had made the decision to cancel all the lessons so then I wouldn't have fallen down my front steps in the first place!  I only taught two students, and the rest either canceled first or just double checked with me and I decided I was going home early.

In the end, the highways and roads were perfectly fine....it's just the areas where I had to walk on that were a bit of a pain. 
I checked the weather and cancellations again today, and it doesn't seem that dire, so I'm going to still head out.  Besides that, I have to anyways because of a rehearsal I have for the Poulenc.

Still waiting on my new strings.  I'm getting so antsy, because I need to be practicing and I don't have a whole lot of time left.  But I'm not going to panic or stress about anything.  I just need to do what I have to do and do it one day at a time. 

I also ordered a small book that I read about on another blog.  It's called "Practice for Performance for Cello and Other Related String Instruments".  I'm just interested in acquiring as many ideas and tips as possible for my own individual practicing and for teaching ideas, too.  Whenever I talk about string pedagogy lit. or practicing ideas to my husband, I get this dour response: "Maybe you shouldn't read too many of those books..." (me: "what? why?!) "....well, it'd probably just be better if you just PRACTICED and discovered those things naturally on your own, rather than spend the time you SHOULD be practicing on reading about practicing."  OUCH.
I know what he means, though.  Sigh.  And he's right.  I'm very guilty of spending an exorbitant amount of time thinking and talking about practicing.  Not that thinking is bad, but there clearly is an imbalance here.

There's a bunch of other stuff on my mind that I could write about right now, but I need to wrap this up and head out to my studio so I can actually practice and not just talk about practicing!


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