Okay, so I'm not a millionaire--that's okay!

Some time ago, I was in a Starbucks store where I used to be a former employee, and was approached by a regular customer who wanted to see how I was doing.  We chatted about what exactly I do and how the teaching was going, and I made some remark about how I couldn't really complain about anything since I had a good number of students in my studio.  This person said, "Well, no matter what number of students you have, I can't imagine one can exactly be a millionaire doing what you do".  At first, I wasn't sure how to respond, because I couldn't tell if he was trying to be empathetic in these strange economic times, or if he was degrading my profession; I think I said something like, "well, no, but things are fine.  I'm fine."

I shared this encounter with my husband and I wish I had had the same response he immediately had:  "So? Do I need to be a millionaire to be happy and fulfilled?"

This person made me feel a little worthless after that comment, but the older I get, the more and more I'm realizing that no position, no amount of money, no particular social status can ever really truly make me feel of value.  I can only do that for myself in how I live every day.  I work hard every day doing the best I absolutely can for my students; some may or may not appreciate it, but that's not my problem.

As simple and basic as this realization may seem (I suppose we all grow up "knowing" this), I feel like I'm only now settling into this concept--to relish in what I'm doing RIGHT NOW.  Too often, I've wasted too much energy and thought into worrying about not being in the right place at the right time in my life, or not arriving at a point I thought I should be based on maybe what others are doing.  What a mistake, to compare myself to anyone else--I am like no one else, no one else is like me.

What a relief.


Hannah said…
So nice to not worry about becoming a millionaire and simple enjoy life on its merits!
Gaby said…
completely agree!

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