What's to come

Yesterday, my students' performances went well, and I really enjoyed accompanying them all on the piano (minus the student who played the Allemande from Partita No. 2 by Bach).  They're all still pretty young, so I'm very excited about where they're headed and all the repertoire we'll be learning along the way.

Other than that, a pretty mundane weekend:  after the recital, I went home and then headed out again for lunch at Northstar Cafe with the hubby.  He really liked what he got, although we both thought it was really overpriced, and I wasn't able to order what I normally get because I forgot that on Saturdays, they serve breakfast items and leave other stuff off the menu until a certain time.  Balls.  So I got a turkey and sweet potato hash, which was alright, but I got pretty sick of the sweet potatoes after awhile.  Hubby wasn't very impressed with that place, and after our visit (my fourth time) I liked it less.  Their gimmick is that everything is organic (so you'll see a lot of hippies there) and that's why everything is so pricey, but in the end, taste matters a lot and I just don't think their menu prices are validated by both taste and portion size.

After that, we had to look for a mattress for our guest room since we've been without one since we moved back into this condo, and our guests always have to either sleep on the couch or bring their own sleeping bags.  Also, if we ever want to sell this place, we need it to be staged, so we thought it was time to get one.

Later this week, my parents are coming up to help us install a new floor and they'll be here for a few days (or maybe more since my dad is now retired!).  I'm looking forward to their visit and spending time with them.

The next few weeks are going to be a whirlwind with another student recital, two orchestra performances/projects, and two big orchestra auditions (one of them being my first major professional one)--sigh!  I'm a little worried about appropriating enough time for my own practicing amid everything else that's going on, so please wish me luck for this next month....I'm going to need it:(


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