Top 20 Favorite Things

1) Cooking good, healthy meals
2) Exploring new foods
3) Listening to beautiful music
4) Playing chamber or orchestral music
5) Accompanying other instrumentalists/vocalists
6) Playing piano alone, all day
7) Running in the spring, summer and fall while listening to my fav. music
8) Having a good laugh with friends
9) Having friends over and cooking for them
10) A spotless house
11) Waking up to warm puppies
12) The smell of a warm puppy's paws (it varies b/t smelling like cedar chips and popcorn)
13) The occasional, indulgent afternoon nap
14) Having alone time with nowhere to be and nothing to do.
15) Shopping and having everything you try on look good (doesn't happen very often!)
16) Taking road trips
17) Spending time with my family
18) Receiving warm notes or cards in the mail
19) The color purple
20) Curling up with a latte and a good book.


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