Checking in

Yay! April is almost here!  I'm excited about the next couple of weeks: I've had a Mozart Requiem gig on my calendar for a few weeks but recently got my husband on board as well, so the two of us will get to sit side by side, along with a student of mine.  I've never played the Requiem, but it's so beautiful so I'm really looking forward to it.
A week after that, I have another orchestra concert--last one of the season--playing the Verdi Requiem (I guess it's "Requiem" season).  Other than that, just trying to catch up on lessons with my students and continue with the practicing.

Our floor is finished, we got some rugs for the finishing touches and the hubby has planned a "Nerd Party" in a couple weeks.  I don't think I'll enjoy watching a bunch of dorks sitting around our living room playing Call of Duty, but I do get a kick out of watching Ryan interact with his friends.  I don't know what it is, but I've always felt more comfortable hanging out with guys than with girls.  Not every single time, but most of the time; maybe it's because guys tend to leave the drama out of the picture, lol.

Alright, time to unwind and get ready for the weekend.  Sorry this was a boring post, but it's been a pretty boring week:P


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