Playing in the pit

This entire week, I'm playing in the pit orchestra for the Dayton Ballet and we're performing new music that was specifically written for this ballet.

The music is...interesting.  If you've ever seen the movie Gattaca, then basically the music is like the score from that movie, in a nutshell.  I'm not even sure what the choreography looks like since we're below the stage and can't see a thing.  It's a little scary since there are two levels to the pit and the strings are sitting on the upper level--a very narrow plank that's barely wide enough for two people to sit next to one another.  I'm sitting on the edge, of course, so if my chair ever accidentally tips over, my violin and I are toast.

Not much else to report; I bombed my audition on Monday, so that's all I'll say about that.  Sigh, I'm not feeling any sort of strong emotion about it--I wasn't prepared and it was just bad timing, so I wasn't surprised at how it turned out.  Back to the drawing board (or, um, the practice room) and on to the next audition.

Hope you all have a great weekend (I keep hearing it's going to snow here in Ohio this weekend, blach!!).


Random Esquire said…
Wow, I haven't played in a pit in so long. This brought back some good memories. However, the idea of tipping over leaves something to be desired. I hope it went well. :)

Found your blog via Legally Fab. Enjoying it!

Gaby said…
Thanks for reading!

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