Excuse the absence...

Well, this morning my parents headed back to Canton after spending the last three days here helping us install a laminate floor in our condo.  Actually, it was mainly my dad and hubby who installed the floor, but hey--my mom and I took care of all the meals, so that's something:)
This should explain my absence from "blogging" for the last part of the week, although I will forewarn you that the next few weeks are probably going to be pretty boring (blog-wise) since I need to crank up my practicing and will be going out of town frequently for rehearsals and performances.

It literally rained the entire time my parents were here, so my mom and I spent most of our time just watching movies together, chatting, and reading.  I'm so grateful my parents are close enough to come by whenever we need help with projects like these; I complain about them being far away, but honestly, it could be worse--some people have to hop on a plane to see their family, and that could only be a handful of times a year.  So while both sides of our families long for us to live literally next door to each of them, we are probably in an ideal situation of being precisely centrally located in between our two families: in-laws in Cincinnati, us in Columbus, my family in NE Ohio.

I took some pics of our new floor, but I will probably post them later on.  I need to get my butt out the door and into my studio for a few hours of practicing before the teaching begins!


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