What about me?!

What's one good thing about being so busy you barely have enough time to go on the internet and update your blog and read others' blogs?  The fact that when you finally do get a chance to indulge in some social media (and I've got about 20 min. left to do all this before I have to dash out the door again), there are so many wonderful posts to read.  I'm so sorry I've been such a boring blogger, but this month has been stressful and I don't think I'll have a real chance of emerging until April is here.

That being said, I have one spring recital behind me and: 1 more spring recital left; two major orchestra auditions coming up in 3 (!) days and another in 2 weeks (NOT ready); rehearsals every night this week and a concert this Sat. evening; recording/ballet performance project the very next day (the evening before my audition which sucks because I'll want to warm up that day) in a recording studio lasting 4 + hours. Argh; and then a week long gig with the Dayton ballet all next week.  I also love how gas prices went up just in time for all my gig traveling.:P

Agghh, I don't mean to be a whiny whiner.  Actually, this new year has been so much better than the past few as far as how my outlook on life has been.  Overall, I'm much happier and more positive about everything in my life, and it's proving to be fruitful in both my teaching and personal life.

Yesterday,  a student's mom informed me that they were considering taking a "break" from lessons; as soon as she said the word "break", an alarm went off in my head and I panicked.  But then she said it would only be for a month because the entire year has been chaotic for them, which it has, and I admit I've pushed this student quite a bit and he plays in 3-4 different orchestras on top of all the rep I've made him learn.
Later, after thinking about how I initially reacted to the news (I kept it to myself--I never react dramatically in front of students), I realized that this is why I used to be so stressed in the past--because I'd take small news in such a hard way, it would literally rob me of sleep and create clutter in my mind.  So I decided to reverse my worries about potentially losing students (and income, for that matter) this summer and ask myself what good could come out of having fewer students.  Well, for one, I'd have more time to invest in my own playing, which is what I'm always fantasizing about; 2) more time to catch up on my reading, which I love to do (I've ordered so many books off of Borders online that they're piling up and I seem to barely be getting through one or two books a month); and 3) maybe it's time hubby and I started talking/planning a real vacation.  Most of my students seem to regularly go on extravagant, lengthy vacations during Christmas, spring break and during the summer.  It reminds me of how I NEVER get to do that!  Not since I was a little girl living at home have I been on a three week + long vacation.  Not even on our honeymoon.  We went to Gatlinburg, TN for 4 or 5 days because we both had to be right back for our jobs.  And since, hubby and I have not been anywhere for any longer than a week.  And usually, those don't count because I come back owing people makeups for the time I was gone.
So with the news that some students may be taking a break or simply quitting this summer, perhaps this would be a good opportunity for me to gain back some "me" time after several years of catering to students and students' parents.
The more and more I think about this, the more I'm liking it.  I think I'll sit the hubby down tonight for a serious discussion on future vacation plans:)  Any suggestions on what the perfect destination would be?


Hannah said…
I definitely recommend a vacation! I myself love taking cruises...but I also enjoy visiting cities like Chicago or NY. Or go to Colorado or Arizona and hike (depends on what you like to do on vacation...). In any case, I think people our age have a hard time letting ourselves take breaks because we fear getting behind...but it's so vital to our well being, IMO.

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