What Am I Doing Today?

I think I've caught the shopping bug from all these other blogs I've been reading, because now I have an incredible urge to go shopping at Anthropologie.  I don't normally go there because a) it's a little overpriced (although I'm the type of person who waits for huge sales anyways...it's the way to go!) and b) it's the type of store that carries items that I think look so adorable but then I go in and try everything and it looks like crap on me.  To date, I only have three items in my closet from that store and I hardly use them.  Yet, I think I'm going to be making a stop there on my way to my studio.  I'm a pathetic victim of mass marketing.

One store that I nearly always find something at, on the other hand, is Ann Taylor Loft or Ann Taylor.  I used to walk past those stores thinking it was for "older ladies", but they have a great petites section.  I think 95% of my wardrobe is ATL, down to even my socks.

But I've binged on ATL for the past few months, so now I need a break.  Anthropologie it is.

I feel like such a ditz writing about retail stores, but I've seriously got nothing else.  Other than shopping, today entails practicing and teaching two students.  Yes, you read that right, just two.  I had a cancellation and as I mentioned before, one quit, so Wednesday is a very quiet day for me.  I'm not complaining, I love it.  It's the day I get to catch up on reading, practicing, cooking and household chores.

So with that, I'm off to prep tonight's dinner (bourbon chicken with rice) and venture on to Anthro, where I most likely will leave empty-handed.  We'll see.


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