Karen from Dreamer frequently posts "10 Bits of Magic" and taking a cue from her, here are a few of my own:

1.  Going back to music learned long ago and re-discovering something new each time.

2.  Driving around with no particular place to go on a warm Fall weekend.

3.  Discovering a great family owned Italian hole-in-the-wall restaurant with your husband for your 5th wedding anniversary.

4.  Stopping whatever you are doing to just watch your dogs play with each other.

5.  Watching your students experience seeing their first concert with a world class violinist and introducing them to her backstage after the concert.  [The look on their faces was priceless!]

6.  Jeni's Bourbon Butter Pecan ice cream (made right here in Ohio!)

7.  Filling your entire day with only rehearsals and concerts.

8.  Not feeling up to a workout or a run, but being glad you did it right afterwards.

9.  Knowing that there will always be a spooky movie on anytime in October.

10.  Students who make you laugh uncontrollably...or vice versa:)


The link worked fine, and I love these! Thanks for sharing your own 10!

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