The Haunted Hoochie

Last night Ryan and I met up with some friends and went to see The Haunted Hoochie, supposedly one of the top scariest haunted houses in the country.  I was dreading this for the past two weeks and kept changing my mind as to whether I would go or not.  I am the world's biggest wuss--I fear EVERYTHING!  I don't remember always being this way, but I'm finding that the older I get, the less tolerable I am of things that frighten me, even if they aren't life-threatening.  I'm scared of roller coasters (I used to love them as a kid), haunted houses, heights, airplanes--I don't know, maybe I've just watched too many Final Destination movies or something.

Anyways, Ryan's friend bought the tickets for us, so I HAD to go.  We arrived and fortunately didn't have to wait hours in line since we got VIP tickets (tip: if you ever visit the Hooch, get the VIP tickets, otherwise you will be waiting in line for at least 2 hours).  As soon as we walked in, I clung to Ryan's sweater and didn't let go until we got out.  I nearly peed my pants as soon as we walked in.  The first scene we walked in on was an actor sitting in a chair simulating his blowing his brains out with a shotgun.  That wasn't the scary part.  The scary part was when strobe lights came on afterward and the actor jumped down to our level and started touching everyone.
If you don't like to be touched [which I don't in haunted houses], this is the wrong place for you.  The rest of the tour was just more actors jumping out from holes in the wall or corners and touching you all over or grabbing you and not letting go until you met their gaze.  The scariest part were the characters running around with fake chainsaws that "vibrated".
The whole thing didn't last as long as I thought, thankfully, and I had a severely sore throat by the end.  Ryan laughed the whole time.  My throat is still a little raw this morning.

I guess I'm glad I overcame my fear of haunted houses and went this one time...but I don't think I'll be going to something like that anytime soon.

The rest of the weekend is completely free--probably one of the last free weekends of the year as I've been getting calls for more holiday gigs.  So I'm planning on just staying in and taking care of chores I've put off for weeks.

On Monday, my teaching schedule is slightly lighter due to students canceling for Halloween--times like these conjure up "baby fever" as it reminds me of all the fun things kids get to do while parents also get to go along for the ride, as well.  Or maybe I've just been watching too many reruns of "Family Ties" on Netlflix [by the way, I had NO idea that the Keaton family was supposedly based in Columbus, OH.  I know, aren't you glad I provided you with that important nugget of information?].  Either way, I'm a little sad that my favorite month is almost coming to an end.

Any special plans for these last few days of October or for Halloween?


Strangely for me, I love watching scary movies, but I am such a scaredy cat - I'm still scared of the dark! I'm not sure I could handle a haunted house, even though you know you're going in with people trying their best to scare you!
Gaby said…
Haha, I'm the same way. I can handle horror movies really well, but I made a ton of people around me laugh with how much screaming I was doing in the haunted house. My vocal chords felt bruised the next three days--makes me wonder how shot my voice would be if I ever went through a truly scary ordeal (ie, getting kidnapped, tortured, etc.) with the amount of screaming I'd do. ugh.

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