I've lost my identity...

...since I've taken a break from running. It's funny how when I'm not running, I feel like I have nothing to write or talk about.  I came so close to feeling like a legit runner, and then I had to go and hurt my foot:(  I feel like I'm back to square one and am still waiting for the right time to go for another run.
But with the lack of exercise comes more practicing! [One day, I'll find a way to balance both, but for now, it seems to be one or the other:(]  The program for the next concert we're playing is Bernstein's Candide Overture, Brahms' Symphony No.1 and Beethoven's Violin Concerto, Karen Gomyo, soloist.  Brahms really wears me out, so I've had to spend a little more time with that.  It's a small orchestra in my town, but I really love it.  I just love orchestral music, in general.  I wish I could do it all day long.

In other news, I'm a bad wife:  tomorrow is my husband's birthday and I haven't planned a thing!  I meant to, but this week flew by and I still haven't gotten him a gift or planned any kind of special meal.  I'm teaching all day tomorrow, then students are performing at a recital Saturday afternoon--I'm heading to an Indian festival to hear another student performing there--and then I'll be free after that.  I can probably do something on Saturday evening.

I feel like my last few posts were very negative, so I apologize for that.  I have my ups and downs.  I've probably offended half my readers.  So that's, like what, 2.5 people?  Mwhahaha!

Okay....back to practicing, then teaching, and then heading out early for orch. rehearsal. :)


Hannah said…
I know exactly what you mean :) I've been dealing with running problems the past two months, just when I was starting to feel like a runner. It's similar to violin playing injuries, except that I identify more as a violinist since I have done that so long.

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