Sorry, but not really.

This IS my blog, and typically, people write about what they like on their I feel totally ironic chronically apologizing for sporadic negative tones throughout some posts.  But on the other hand, I can't say I'm truly sorry because I need an outlet sometimes.  And I'm noticing that since I haven't been running or exercising at all in almost a month, my negativity has gone WAY UP.  I spend too much time on FB and get pissed off; other people piss me off way too easily, whereas in a completely normal situation, it would fizzle and I'd forget it in a second.  What is wrong with me?!  People are weird.  I'm weird.  End of story.  End of rant.  No need to go into detail about anything specific that's pissing me off, because typing it out and seeing it would remind me of how utterly petty it actually is.  And then all you people would know how truly insane I am! Ha!

I still don't really know who reads this thing, as I can't always tell where my readers are coming from, unless it's from a specific blog.  I think my best friend might stalk me on here instead of answering my phone calls.  Totally unfair as I don't know what she's really up to and she knows EVERYTHING I'm up to!

SO, on this topic--how about introducing yourself on here?  Who are you, where are you from?  Do you think I'm crazy?  Do I piss YOU off?!  Leave a line, even if you only read every so often.  I'd enjoy knowing who my readers are, even if they are sparse. Hehe.  That includes you, Katherine:P


It's hard putting stuff out there and not knowing who's reading it--I feel that way, too, sometimes. And for the record, I read much more often than I leave comments, partly because I feel like everything I think of to say seems stupid, and partly because most of the time when I'm on the computer there's at least one other person in the house who wants my undivided attention.

But I've never officially introduced myself, so here goes: I'm Karen, (sounds like "car-in the garage) mother of three, part-time Suzuki violin teacher, former Suzuki kid myself. I've been homeschooling my kids for 7 or so years, freelancing as a violinist whenever I can (live in a small town, so opportunities are sparse), and trying to find the time somewhere in the middle of all that to become a better writer. We "met" through a mutual friend's blog, I believe, (Hannaviolin.) I run, too, but I am nowhere near the kind of runners that you and Hannah are. But you both inspire me to keep it up. As far as I know, you are one of the few people I've never met who reads my blog, and that is hugely encouraging to me! (Considering that, I'll try to comment here more often, assuming that you would also be encouraged!)
Wow, am I embarrassed by all the typos I made--no excuses, I should have read over what I wrote before posting (and maybe try getting more sleep.) Sorry about that.
Gaby said…
Thanks, Karen. Glad I know a little more about you, too! This is definitely something I like about blogs: getting motivated by other people. Actually, nearly everyone who reads this DOESN'T know me in person, haha. I'm very cautious about sharing it with people who maybe know me TOO well (or maybe those who know me not well enough and maybe would misread what I write on here). I probably should get over that soon, though. I read blogs more often than I comment as well, probably for the same reasons. Some days my mind is just blank. I really appreciate your reading!
Hannah said…
I'm Hannah, I play and teach the violin, and I love reading your blog :) I am not really a great runner, Karen, just terribly persistent and stubborn. I love talking to or reading blogs of other violin teachers (few and far between) because it makes me feel like part of a larger community. I'm in St Louis now, lived in quite a few other places beforehand. And when I don't work out I feel grumpier, so I know what you mean.

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