Doppelganger Time

I think most people have been told at some point in their lives that they resemble--either closely or somewhat--some celebrity or character.  For instance, when my best friend met my husband (then boyfriend), she told me he reminded her of Jason Schwartzman from the movie Rushmore.  He really didn't like that comparison and I can understand why [although, to side with him, I don't think he looks like him either].

My celebrity doppelganger(s) run the gamut from flattering to insulting to nearly downright racist!  Here they are:

1. Flattering:  Eva Longoria- actress

This comparison has been made a few times, but I have a sneaking suspicion it's because I happen to be both petite and my name is Gaby, like her character on "Desperate Housewives".

2. Insulting: Tera Patrick- former porn star
When I first looked her up after someone told me I bore a striking resemblance, I was flattered when I saw her face; then I scrolled down, realized what she did for a living and suddenly felt a little objectified.  I had to take a shower after that.

3.  Racist:  Velma Dinkley from Scooby Doo: Curse of the Lake Monster as played by some random Asian actress:
For some reason, this one bothers me because a student's mom compared me to this and when I looked it up and realized she must have just thought I looked like her because I'm also Asian, I suddenly realized that she must just think ALL Asian women look alike!

So there are my celebrity doppelgangers in all their glory.  In a way, maybe those comparisons kind of make sense considering my ethnic background (part Asian, part Latin), so perhaps if you rolled all of them into one, THEN you'd actually get me!  *Afterthought Edit:  Here is a pic of me with a friend just for a curious perspective! 
Yes to both questions: my friend is very tall and I'm also very short!

Who do you think your celebrity doppelganger is OR what's the most interesting/insulting/flattering/funny comparison you've ever gotten??


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