
After skimping on a TON of long runs the past two months, I slapped myself in the face and told myself that I ABSOLUTELY could not do that anymore from here on out.  I only have practically 2 months left until the marathon so it's really necessary that I get my lazy butt in gear.  With that, I did a half-marathon yesterday afternoon in 2 hours, 19 minutes.  The first 11 miles, I felt actually pretty good; the last 2ish miles, I felt like my legs were about to break off.  Why is it that the last mile or so is always SO damn hard?  All I could think to myself was, "How in the world am I going to do 26.2 miles if I feel like dying after 13?"

Well, I won't really think about that now.  As soon as I got done with the run, I ate myself silly stretched my legs and used a foam roller which felt SO GOOD.  I'm glad I remembered to stretch, because today, my legs felt so much better than I remember from the last time I ran a similar distance.   Last time I ran a half, I couldn't run for months.  So, this encourages me that maybe I'm on the right track.
After stretching, I ate some leftover "Bang Bang Shrimp" (homemade replica of the dish from Bonefish Grille) with Nishiki rice, and ate a little too much chocolate cake that I made from a few days before.  I'll have to post a lot of recipes with pics, soon.  I've just been lazy.

Other than running, just a whole lot of teaching, rehearsing and trying to stay on top of the cooking, laundry and cleaning, and spending quality time with the hubs:)


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