Completely Random

--I had my six month dental check up today and can happily report no cavities or issues whatsoever.

--A little disturbed to learn that the voice behind E.T. was mostly contributed by an elderly woman who smoked two packs of cigarettes a day.  Way to ruin that adorable alien for me.

--I'm currently lusting after and deciding if I should buy this dress from Nordstrom:

-- I have not done laundry in weeks.  I'm irritated.

-- I feel so bad ass driving my new Mini Cooper.

-- For the past two nights, I've eaten fried potatoes, scrambled eggs and onions mixed together for my dinner.  Because I'm too lazy to make anything else.

-- The weather has been in the 50's the past few days, but I still ran on the treadmill.  What's wrong with me?

-- I still hate Facebook.  Maybe I should give that up for Lent--even though I'm not Catholic.

-- When I'm driving the Mini Coop,  I suddenly feel delighted that we don't have kids yet and no longer envy our friends that do, because if we did, I wouldn't be able to drive it and most likely would be driving a stale old van.  Am I evil for feeling this way?  (Don't get me wrong...we'll have kids someday--I'm sure--but for now, I'm grateful for the freedom and the things that come with it).

-- HEY!  If you just read this--I don't care who you are--don't be shy and go ahead and post your randomness's (??) in the comments section.  Just do it already, because sometimes writing these posts to myself gets old:)


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