Hi, It's me--the half-ass runner!

I don't have a whole lot to report on.  My running has not been spectacular, so far.  Although February is looking better than January, for sure, I've really skimped on the long runs which is NOT smart.  This past weekend, for example, was supposed to include a 10 mile run; instead, I ran 5.4 mi. with my husband and a friend who both told me that they definitely could not do 10 with me, but encouraged me to run the remainder later on in the evening.  Well, that didn't happen.  I felt so tired and a little achy after that run and there were a million other things I preferred to do, like catch up on the week's grocery shopping.  Mondays are supposed to be "off" days, but now I feel so guilty, I'm telling myself that I should run 4-5 miles today to make it up.  That doesn't make ANY sense, since the point of the long runs is to do it all at once.  Argh.  When will I learn?

Should I be worried?  I think my friend is scared for me, but I'm not really in that panic mode, yet.  The Cincy marathon is on May 6.  Exactly 3 months from today.  I guess I'm aware but not terribly concerned.

One thing that I'll take as a glimmer of hope is that on my 5 1/2 mile run yesterday, I felt alright.  I started out with annoying cramps, but that's only because I drank some water and ate a bunch of food right before running.  They went away quickly, and I kept it slow and steady.  Around the 3-4 mile mark, I was feeling "in the zone": my breathing was normal, my body didn't feel like it was going to fall apart, and I honestly thought I could have just kept going for another 4 or 5 miles, if I hadn't stopped for my friend (I am NOT blaming her, just for the record:)).  Looking back, I should have just kept going and said a quick "goodbye" to my friend.

Other than my pathetic running schedule, not much else is going on.  Oh! I may have ruined the hubby's plans to surprise me with a big-deal gift for V-day.  How I found out was totally coincidence, and it still took me awhile to figure out what was going on, but once I did, the cat was already out of the bag, and now, not sure if it will actually come to fruition.  I'm actually okay if it doesn't.  I'm more touched by the fact that my husband was planning this for weeks and went to the trouble to even fake going to a company seminar out of town for the weekend in an attempt to bring back my potential gift.
Due to some discrepancies, however, the big gift may not happen, so I won't bother going into detail about what it is.  If it somehow does happen, though, I will be sure to take lots of pictures and blog about it!

Alright, gotta go!


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