Choucroute garnie AKA, Look! I'm a Fancy, Schmancy Cook!!

Tonight, I made another Lake Lure recipe called "Choucroute Garnie", which is basically sauerkraut with assorted sausages, potatoes, carrots and onions.  This was my first time making sauerkraut (NOT from scratch!) for a meal; I typically steer clear from German-type foods (even though this is apparently more of a French recipe) as I'm not particularly fond of them, but for whatever reason, this appealed to me and I had most of the ingredients.  Plus, I love using the crock pot so I thought I'd give it a shot.  I dumped everything in around 1pm, and by the time I got back home from rehearsal around 9:30pm, this place smelled yummy!  I walked over to the crock pot (Ryan never touches dinner--even if it's all ready to go--until I'm home. Before you go "awww, how sweet" it's really because he's lazy and would most likely starve waiting for me to serve him. True story.) and lifted the lid realizing that I maybe should have halved the recipe as this was WAY TOO MUCH food for two people.  hahahaha.  Oh well. Leftovers for the next couple of days.  If I can handle sausage and sauerkraut for 3 days straight. Gulp.

Ryan loved this, btw.  Loved it.  I'm lukewarm about it.  It's definitely good if you like sausages and sauerkraut....I think I still have to warm up to it:(

P.S.  I just love, LOVE this blog (Lake Lure Cottage Kitchen, that is)!  Go check out her recipes.  It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy looking at her pictures--not to mention famished afterward.

In other news, I ran a slow 5K today:(  But I'm just glad I got my lazy butt out and ran, in general.  I'd like to just do something active every day, even if it's not running.  Ack!  Too much to do around here--laundry, dishes, practicing music for 3 different orchestras and trying to put decent dinners on the table each night.  Oh, and teaching 30+ brats all throughout the week!  Yessssss.

I have a headache.  I'm going to dump some laundry in the wash, make tea and head to bed.  G'night!!!


Hannah said…
Ooh, I might have to try that. I love sausage and sauerkraut, and the slow cooker is awesome. I appreciate that you put your dinner in at 1 pm and ate late--that's my schedule too. It feels more normal that reading people who put their dinner in at 8 am and eat at 5...who DOES that??

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