Late night ramble

I am a TERRIBLE wife!  Why?  Ryan and I woke up on Sunday morning and just went about our business; while I was making coffee in the kitchen, I heard Ryan's phone ringing constantly and casually asked, "Who keeps calling you?" and he says "Just the moms..."
Me:  ""
Ryan:  "Yeah, your mom is calling me, too"
Me:  "Uhh, why would my mom be calling you...she hardly ever does that!"
Ryan:  "probably just wants to wish me a happy birthday"

Snap.  I forgot my husband's birthday:(  This is probably the first time this has happened.  I felt so bad, even though Ryan shrugged it off.  No worries, though.  I made up for it by making him a Chocolate Lava Cake that evening and letting him invite his buddies over to play Battlefield into the wee hours of the morning (he's had the whole week off).

Still.  I can't believe I forgot.  I was thinking about it all week, too.  I guess I just got preoccupied with other stuff over the weekend...I suppose it happens.

Anyways, not much happening around here other than normal, boring stuff.  Gotta practice some music for different orchestras and gigs.  Hilary Hahn is rolling into town in a few weeks to play the Korngold Concerto, so that should be exciting.  On Saturday, I had a rehearsal for a baroque opera that's performing at the end of the month.  I made sure to go through the entire thing and listen to the accompanying CD that was sent along, b/c even though it looked simple enough, I didn't want to risk making any stupid mistakes since this was a pretty small ensemble....and boy, am I glad I did!  The director threw several dirty looks at the guy sitting next to me for making some silly mistakes (it was apparent he hadn't bothered to look at the music) and he really wasn't happy overall with the quality of the playing.  Don't blame him--no one was playing in the baroque style (little or no vibrato, short bows, etc.) and didn't seem to want to, either.  Very frustrating when you're playing with musicians who just want to be heard and not really honor the style of the music they're playing.


Busy month.  Tomorrow, Ry and I are headed to Cincy to watch the Reds in the play-offs.  I was not-so-secretly hoping that they would win tonight's game so I really wouldn't have to go tomorrow as that's my day off and I really have a lot to do around here.  But we already had the tickets and it's best 3 out of 5 games for the Reds, so we're going tomorrow.  Between having to drive up there for that and stick around in the morning to sign some docs for our re-fi, I won't be able to go shopping before our busy weekend the way I had hoped.  On Saturday, I'm playing a wedding gig, and then attending another one as a guest on Sunday.  Aaand, then the week starts all over again!

I just read somewhere that pumpkin is a super food!?!?!  How did I not know that already?  Bring on the pumpkin!!!



Valerie said…
Oh no! You forgot your husband's birthday? How awful! It sounds more like you just forgot what day of the week you were on rather than forgetting he had one coming up at all. I'm sure he appreciated the cake, too. I hope all was forgiven!
Gaby said…
I suppose "forgetting" is the wrong word to use, but rather, "temporarily left my mind for a few hours", lol. I WAS thinking about it for weeks, planning what to do...but my husband truly hates making a big deal about his birthday, so he was fairly amused that I was the one asking him what he wanted, if he wanted a party, etc etc...and then forgot the day of. Haha. We went out for lunch, ice cream and a movie and he did enjoy the cake I made, plus having his friends over. It was all good!
Penny said…
So funny, because I just had a birthday and my husband and my son both forgot! Husband remembered about noon. Son totally forgot. One of the worst days I've had in a long time. I told Michael after he was reminded by his Dad that a Son is never supposed to forget his Mother's birthday. Just saying. It just reminded me that a birthday is the only time in a whole year that one is special. I will be more sensitive to all of my friends and family from now on. Thanks for you comment. I love your blog.
Gaby said…
Penny--oh no! I'm sure your husband felt bad and made up for it! Sometimes, I think it seems more important to women...or at least we make it a point to put more thought into it (I failed miserably this once) and men just naturally...hmm, what's the right word...just seem to have their heads in the clouds when it come to events, mile-markers or celebrations! Ahh, I guess that's why we complement each other so well, lol.
sarah marie said…
can you tell I'm catching up on blog posts in my feed reader? so it goes with a baby... sometimes I log into google reader and I have that dreaded "1000+ unread posts".

just wanted to say I'm with you on the baroque playing thing! I get bugged by people ignoring the wishes of both composer and conductor in that regard. I have come to the realization that I believe some people are truly incapable of playing without vibrato. I mean, of course they could stop vibrating all the time, but they'd have to PRACTICE it and think about it. You can tell someone not to vibrate and they nod and just keep vibrating. What's up with that? haha.

also -- try pumpkin oatmeal! It's the best.

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