I'm sorry I'm a bad blogger:(

Ahh, it's already the middle of the week--where the does the time go?!  On Sunday, Ry and I spent our 6th wedding anniversary pretty low key by taking a pleasant drive to Granville, OH (very reminiscent of the kinds of towns you see in Stephen King movies) and having lunch + ice cream + a stroll with our yorkie, Zoe.  I was half kicking myself for not bringing along the camera for photo ops, but at the same time, I just wanted to enjoy the little moments!  I love Granville--especially in the Fall.  It used to be about a half hour's drive for us, but with the addition of a highway route it's now 15 min. away.  I expect more trips in the future!

I'd love to live there, but there isn't a whole lot around there except Denison University, so probably won't be moving anytime soon:(

Getting back into the work week, I resorted again to this amazingly yummy crockpot chicken teriyaki recipe for dinner last night and converted them into lettuce wraps for Ryan's dinner tonight.  I wasn't in the mood for leftovers, plus I've been feeling kinda fat lately (due to NO working out for oh, um, about a month?!?!?!) so I just made myself a salad w/ some avocado and hard boiled egg +vitamin water. 

I'm doing another 5K this Saturday with some friends and I'm determined to get back into running mode...or just "physically active" mode.  I admit, this is kind of ridiculous--the weather has been perfect the past 2 months, the scenery in Ohio is magnificent--and I've wasted it.  Blown it.  I need to make up for it.  I really don't have a good excuse like having a baby to take care of, or having a rigorous work schedule.  Nope, just pure laziness.  I may sound like I'm joking, but I'm honestly ashamed and hating myself right now.  I'm only typing this out in hopes that this will hold me accountable to getting back on the wagon and stop thinking about getting on the wagon.

I have no intention of turning this into a fitness blog, a running blog, a weight loss blog (THAT would be ridiculous as I still only weigh 105 lbs. or less depending on the day) or any other kind of "specific" blog; this is just a blog about ME.  And my life involves lots of things.  I have my "kicks" (as my husband calls them) that come and go, and I'm okay with that.  I enjoy blogs that are real; I used to enjoy big, popular blogs (think Pioneer Woman, etc.) but I grew tired of that quickly as I only see part of their lives.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not critical of the right to privacy, but I'm drawn to the average person's raw details of their, well, average lives.

Anyways, I'd like to post more often.  Will try harder with pictures!  I've got rehearsals and a concert w/ Hilary Hahn this weekend and then more rehearsals/ multiple performances of Henry Purcell's The Fairy Queen (no jokes, please!).  Sigh.

Happy Wednesday:)


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