October es mi favorito!!

I never get tired of gushing about how much I friggin' LOVE the month of October.  This year, I swear the weather fell right into lockstep with the arrival of Fall as the air felt more crisp and slightly cooler, but with the still welcoming presence of sunshine to go along with it.  Ahhhhh!

My parents just left this morning after a short visit.  They arrived Tuesday evening so we could spend the entire day yesterday together.  Didn't seem like we did much, yet what we did do took all day.  We ran errands and gathered ingredients for a planned Hearty Beef and Lamb Stew for dinner.  I picked up more mums to decorate the back patio and front stoop (looking at Fall foliage and flowers makes my heart skip a beat!), and by evening, the whole family (including my younger brother who lives 20 min. away) was sitting around the table with stew in front of them, discussing politics and mulling around the house until the debate came on.  We then migrated over to the couch w/ pumpkin muffins in hand; unfortunately, my mom felt tired and skipped the debate altogether, so it was just myself, Ryan and my dad who stayed up late.

I SO wish they lived closer to us.  I miss them:(

But now I'm thinking about all the wonderful things that are expected for the month: Autumnal food and smells; knee-high boots and chunky sweaters; Ryan's 30th birthday coming next week; our 6 year wedding anniversary in TWO weeks!!! highly anticipated rehearsals and concerts; and finally, the hype for the next big holiday...Thanksgiving!!  I know, I'm ahead of myself.  I have to calm down.

I have to remember to soak it all in.  This year seems to have flown by so much faster than previous years, and I can barely remember it all.  My plan to take advantage of it is to make as many yummy recipes as possible, go for more runs outdoors, enjoy practicing my orchestra music and misc. pieces, and spend more time with friends and family.

Is October anyone else's fav month, too?  Got any big plans or events happening this month?!


Valerie said…
Yup! I love October!! I love the weather and the apple cider. I love the fall leaves. I love that my birthday's on the 13th, which means it's sometimes on Friday, October the 13th. I love Halloween and all the costumes. It's a great month!

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