Slow Wednesday

I made lasagna for the first time last night.  Yes, you heard that right.  I've eaten lasagna tons of times, but was always too intimidated to do it myself and besides, Ryan has always made excellent lasagna dishes, so I just let it be "his" thing.

But I just felt like having lasagna for dinner last night and I never expect Ryan to cook on weeknights when he's worked a long day, so it was left to me to find a decent recipe and see how it turned out.  Sadly, no pictures, as I've been getting worse and worse about remembering to take them immediately after they're completed.  But here is the recipe I found:  sausage lasagna.
 Ryan gave it a thumbs up and we truly stuffed ourselves with still enough leftovers for tonight, so YAY for no cooking today!!

Not much today except gave one of the dogs a much needed bath and teaching 2 makeups on my day off, then off to a rehearsal until 9pm.

This Sunday is our 6 year wedding anniversary and I'm not sure what to do--cook at home, go out for a nice dinner, go on a very short road trip???  The past couple of years, we've picked a place to dine at the last minute and we generally don't make a huge deal out of it.  As a female, I would love to be that wife that intricately plans amazing parties, events and mile-markers--but delving into the details of it all really stresses me out and I prefer the low-key, stress-free existence that men typically enjoy, ha!  And luckily, Ryan is okay with that, too.  Seriously, we were made for each other [*rolls eyes*].

Anyway.  Any ideas?  Has anyone recently had an anniversary?  What did you guys do to celebrate?


Hannah said…
I love going out to dinner for birthdays and anniversaries (then again, I love going out to dinner any time!). We are planning a short getaway for our first anniversary and will probably have a couple dinners out. Happy Anniversary to you!
Valerie said…
One of my favorite anniversaries involved Hans and me driving 2 hours to hike in the mountains on one of my favorite trails. We stopped at a sweet, little coffee shop along the way, took our time getting up there, and then just enjoyed the peace that being in such a quiet location will bring. It really was quite enjoyable...just Hans, me, and Cody. A perfect day.
sarah marie said…
watch out -- sausage lasagna was the last thing I ate before waking up the next morning and deciding to become a vegetarian. That was years ago now! If you become a vegetarian then we'll know there's a direct causal link.

My favorite anniversary was a several-day drive from PA to MA, with stops along the way at all sorts of cool places to eat and things to see. It was really practical; we had spent Christmas in PA and were driving home to MA... we just made in into a fun trip, and I have such good memories of that time.

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