What will happen if I eat salmon TOO much?

I made salmon for dinner tonight and am completely stuffed.  I purchased rather large fillets (my eyes are always bigger than my stomach) anticipating Ryan to also eat some, but I ended up being the only one eating my creations as Ryan went to game #3 of the Cincinnati Reds (they lost again, boo) and then called while I was teaching to say he was getting burgers here.  I was just a little hurt he wasn't going to eat my teriyaki-marinated salmon, but that only lasted for 30 seconds when I realized it meant more for me and for leftovers tomorrow.
I stopped by Trader Joe's on the way home to quickly grab something green to go as a side with my salmon and sweet mashed potatoes and then popped the salmon in the oven while I waited for Ryan to get home and watched some debate coverage in the meantime.

Is anyone else as in love with salmon like myself?  I need to come up with some more creative ways to make it, but most times I'm pretty satisfied with just kosher salt and pepper, some lemon and olive oil.  Delicious.  Looking up the health benefits of it makes me love it even more.  Good for your heart muscles, lowers cholesterol, improves memory...can't beat that.

In the meantime, even though I don't lack any good habits for eating well and healthy, there is one thing health-wise I'd like to improve, and that is drinking more water and less crap like coffee and diet soda.  Can I just blame my husband for that? (not the coffee, the diet soda.  I've been drinking coffee since I was 16) I stayed away from diet drinks my entire life b/c my mother always told me it led to cancer; Ryan started drinking it when he was losing weight through vigorous exercise, but also wanted to watch his calories--hence diet soda.  I was fearful, but then I started drinking it--I didn't die--and now it's a nasty habit.  In my mind, I still dislike that I drink it when I do, but sometimes I crave a fizzy, cold drink.  Sigh.  No lectures, please.  I KNOW any kind of soda is bad.  I'm working on it.

Tomorrow's Friday, but unfortunately we have a busy weekend ahead of us.  Lots of cleaning and prepping for dinner in anticipation of my parents and brother coming over to watch the dogs while we're away; two weddings and just a ton of driving that we're kind of sick of at this point.  Ryan will have driven to Cincinnati 4 times this week.  Traveling takes its toll after awhile.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Hannah said…
I love diet coke...I try to limit it to a couple times a week rather than every day though. I don't consider coffee bad at all as long as you don't put too much junk in it or drink it so much you're shaking (oh wait...).
sarah marie said…
Do you like seltzer water? In the warm months of the year (i.e. not anymore... now I'm fully into hot tea mode!) I love seltzer. Gives you the icy coldness and the fizz without the 'bad stuff.' (not judging or lecturing! seems like most of your habits are healthy ones! and to tell the truth, I'm sitting here eating chocolate ice cream as I type this... ummm...)

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