Kicking up my feet...

This weekend:

Got up at 6AM Saturday to go for a long run with an old co-worker I hadn't seen in over five years.  It was great!  We did 7.6 miles, chatting and bonding the whole time.  After, I rushed home to shower, change and drive to teach a student right before we both headed to another part of town for a studio recital.  Accompanied all my students on piano, chatted with parents/took pictures and scurried back to other end of town to teach another makeup lesson.  Had just enough time to change again at home for musical performance.  Hubby came with me (first gig he's watched me play in...gosh, don't know how long!  He hates instrumental performances, but loves vocal--especially baroque period), and then we discovered a 24-hr diner called The Hamburger Inn in Delaware, OH.  Came home quite exhausted.

This morning, I finally got to enjoy sleeping in with husband and pups, and took my time making a pleasant brunch that we sat down at the table to enjoy.  Early afternoon, headed out for last performance of the musical and SO GLAD it's over, finally!  I may be taking a break from the gigging...just too much driving around.  I don't see gas prices falling anytime soon, so I may cut off all gigs starting in 2013...

Right now, we're enjoying this for dinner while waiting for The Walking Dead to come on:

Sorry, friend, you can't have any :(

Still so many things on my to-do list, but glad this weekend is coming to an end!


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