Slightly Productive Wednesday...but not really

Today was a fabulously leisurely day.  Woke up around 9:30, took the dogs out, checked email/blogs/other stuff, got ready and headed out for some Christmas shopping.

When I was in college, I remember doing holiday shopping for several hours without tiring of it; now, I can NOT handle more than a few hours of shopping.  It's not even the walking around part that bothers me (it's a little ridiculous for a runner to complain about walking, right?) but the indecisiveness of what to get people.  After two hours, it gets old and I just want to come back home.

Anyway.  I stepped into Anthropologie to donate a sweater and I found these two items that I thought looked cute on me:



I also found some apple wine from a store that is all local--not sure who will get that one, but I figure wine is always a good gift.  I also got a lot of stocking stuffer-type items from World Market: chocolates, candies, balsamic vinegar.  I'll probably go back again for more stuff later--I just couldn't be in the store for too long because I was starting to get antsy :P

Now I'm back home relaxing.  Need to clean up a bit, and then some practicing, and then a fundraiser concert tonight.  Easy stuff, like some arranged show tunes for orchestra w/ a guest pianist and then Rhapsody in Blue, which I've heard a million gazillion times, but surprisingly have never played.

Have you gotten started on your Christmas shopping?  Do you find it as annoying as I do?  J/K.


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