What I'm making for Thanksgiving

Okay, so here is what I am pretty sure I'll be contributing to Thanksgiving dinner.  Most of these I will attempt to make tomorrow (my day off) and refrigerate over night.  The easy stuff, I'll wait until Thursday morning to make, as I don't expect them to be too difficult or time-consuming.


1.  French-press coffee
2.  2-ingredient Pumpkin Spice Muffins (recipe found here:  2 ingredient pumpkin spice muffins)


1.  Maple-Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Toasted Hazelnuts (recipe)
2.  Crockpot Corn Pudding (recipe)
3.  Buttered Turnip Puree (recipe)


1.  Honey-Baked Ham


1.  Apple Spice Bundt Cake (recipe)
2.  Double Layer Pumpkin Cheesecake (recipe)


I know it seems like a lot of food to make for someone who isn't hosting the holiday--and my parents are also making a lot themselves (Turkey, mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes, a bunch of pies, stuffing and flan)--but I'm beginning to discover this about myself:  I'm a control freak.  I am very worried about there not being enough food.  Yes, I am that person.  There are family friends coming over as well who are bringing dishes, and I'm sure it will all be very good...but again, I'm just paranoid we'll be missing something. It looks ridiculous as I type it out.  That's really not what the holiday is about, and being a runner/pseudo physically active, I shouldn't care so much.  But then again, I AM part Asian...we like our food!

ONE more day of teaching and then FIVE days of cooking, eating, conversation, shopping and probably napping!

Hope you all have a great holiday and enjoy your family time if you are spending it with family members :)



Hannah said…
I love it. I'm obviously ridiculous with Thanksgiving as well--I'm making two different breads tomorrow, three pies, in addition to a whole bunch of sides and casseroles for the day. I hope your cooking and family time goes well!

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