The Day After

Went for a very slow run this afternoon.  Wasn't feeling it, but felt like I had to do something other than moping around the house (yes, I'm grumpy today).  Current events aside, I'm grumpy that I have to make an unnecessary trip to teach ONE student simply b/c there was a miscommunication between the office manager at my studio and a parent and they failed to show up at their designated time last night.  I didn't want my student to miss two lessons in a row (same happened last week) so I decided to go in today on my day off.  Proving my point more and more that an office manager is simply unnecessary and I'm the only one who knows my schedule best.

Anyway.  Hoping to keep up a few more runs this week and also scheduled a buddy run for this Saturday w/ a former coworker I recently reconnected with on Facebook.  As much as I hate that social network sometimes, once in awhile it's good for discovering like-minded souls who share your passions.  I'm glad we finally set up a time to go running together.

Going shopping with another running friend tomorrow morning, so that should be fun.  She could tell I didn't sound happy this morning on the phone: we rarely talk politics even though we both know where we each stand.  I appreciate that I have that kind of relationship w/ this friend where we can find joys in mutual interests without tripping over our differences or letting them strain a friendship.

I'll be fine in a few days.  Doesn't this happen every 4 years?  Depending on who wins...half this country will either be happy or upset.  Just the way it is.

I promise this is as close as it will ever get to me talking politics on here.  God knows it bugs me when I otherwise enjoy a good blog only to get to the part where they disclose their personal opinions.  I'm not de-friending or un-following anyone over this--that's too immature.  Life goes on.


Anonymous said…
Uh oh, you might not want to read my next few blog posts! I'm planning to "come out" and talk about religion and politics - not much, just sick of hiding what I believe and my values just because so many friends have diametrically opposing views. :-) (P. S. I'm grumpy today, too, to put it mildly)
Gaby said… worries. I enjoy your writing and of course I realize so many people out there with differing worldviews. I don't expect us all to agree on every single thing.

But I'm only human, of course:)

You warned me, so thank you...and I will keep reading your blog w/ appreciation for your honesty!

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